At Bukhara State University

Karakol academic lyceum

Education and innovative research

international scientific and methodological journal

The main requirements for scientific articles submitted to the international scientific and methodological journal "Education and Innovative Research" are scientific publications recommended for publication of the main scientific results of doctoral (PhD), doctoral (DSc) dissertations in accordance with international standards and the "Regulation on the Higher Attestation commissions "under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including from templates in the system of requirements for electronic scientific and technical journals.



Mavlon Navro`zov Yangiliklar Published On: 24 Aug, 2023

Buxoro davlat universiteti Qorako'l akademik litseyi 166 nafar bitiruvchilari 2022-2023 o'quv yilida 100% natijaga erishib OTM talabasi bo'lishdi. ...

Mamirov Feruz Yangiliklar Published On: 15 Dec, 2022

Buxoro davlat univeraiteti Qorako'l akademik litseyida "Jaholatga qarshi ma'rifat" mavzusida o'quvchi yoshlar bilan uchrashuv o'tkazildi.

Our subjects

You can submit articles in these subjects


Education and innovative research

international scientific and methodological journal


Bukhara city, Q.Murtazoyev street 16


+(998) 90-510-34-00
